Pull-ups are one of the best exercises for building upper body strength, helping to shape a strong, toned back. They work a wide range of muscles, making them an essential addition to your workout routine if you want to improve overall strength and control.
The primary muscles involved in pull-ups are your latissimus dorsi and biceps. But they also engage your traps, shoulders, rhomboids, core, and forearms.
Let’s break down how to do pull-ups correctly, the common mistakes to avoid, and how to build up to a proper pull-up if you’re not quite there yet.
Start by placing your hands slightly wider than shoulder-width apart, with your palms facing away from you. Retract your shoulder blades, look up with your neck relaxed, and pull yourself up slowly until your elbows are slightly below your shoulders. Control your descent and lower yourself back down to the starting position. You can cross or bend your legs to help with core control.
If you’re not able to perform a full pull-up yet, don’t worry! There are ways to build strength:
Take it slow, be consistent, and let us know how you're progressing! We're here to support you every step of the way.
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