Moor Hall Hotel & Spa has a wide range of packages and breaks which offer great value when staying at our country house hotel. From business to leisure there are usually some hotel special offers available. For the best hotel offers, check back periodically to see the ever changing deals. Moor Hall Hotel also has luxury hotel offers throughout the year.
Who are these offers for?
Our hotel offers are available for everyone. The hotel offers hotel breaks and spa breaks which will help our guests unwind and destress. Being pampered once in a while helps to get away from the minutiae of life. Each month is a different spa treatment for the hotel’s special offers, so there is always something different to help with relaxation.
When are these Hotel offers available throughout the year?
For the conference offers, these are usually fixed and subject to terms and conditions. They can change up from time to time but there is a hotel offer for each month of the year. Leisure breaks have a range of offers that span either once a week; seasonal; and monthly. Looking for something different for Easter? An unforgettable getaway for Christmas? There is always something seasonal to enjoy.
How do the offers work?
All the hotel offers and special offers are subject to availability and change. Make sure you book as soon as possible to not miss out on any hotel offers. Wedding offers are subject to terms and availability throughout the year. From time to time there are cancellations and last minute places become available so make sure to speak to us today to get more information. Just mentioned which offer you have seen and the reception will be happy to help with any queries.
Why choose Moor Hall Hotel & Spa?
With over 1,000 google reviews, and positive experiences from our guests, we are confident in making your stay at Moor Hall Hotel & Spa the best it can be. With our competitive wedding venue prices and extra wedding offers, the perfect wedding is within reach. Book now for a consultation and take advantage of our try before you buy!